
During these challenging and transformative times in our world history, staying positive about your life can be difficult. While the Universe doesn’t give us more than we can handle, we can help ourselves by choosing to have a positive outlook on life. There are many ways to stay positive and I’d like to share five of them with you:

1.  Stop hanging out with people who are negative and angry about life. Negative people are energy suckers. Their negativity feeds off your energy. If you engage in negative, angry, frustrating conversation, you slip into the victim mentality and magnify the negative energy around the world. The world doesn’t need more negativity. Each of us has a responsibility to change the world for the better, even in small ways. Speak well of others. Speak the language of the heart with love, compassion and forgiveness.

2.  Meditate daily. Meditation lowers your blood pressure, pulse and respirations. Hormones and organs come into balance and operate at optimum frequency when we include a daily meditation in our routine of daily life activities. Through meditation, our angels and guides can give us insight and inspirational messages that help us deal with grief, pain and complex situations.

3.  Instead of fussing about how wrong the world is, focus on the change that is occurring that will create a better life for everyone. While it’s important to stay informed about world events and happenings, we must keep a perspective that all is in Divine order and Divine purpose. By giving loving allowance for all beings, no matter their condition or circumstances helps us to flow with life. Each person has a soul path to follow and soul contracts to fulfill. Becoming angry and fearful about the present challenges and the ones coming down the pike, does no one any good. Worry is a form of control. We don’t have control over our future. The best we can do is to stay in the present moment, embrace it, and learn the most from it.

4.  Find your happy zone. What causes you to be happy? Are you able to expect nothing and appreciate everything? Even the most painful and distressing situations are gifts for us. For some, the happy zone is obtained through exercise and body movement. By exercising, you increase the oxygen supply to your brain and you feel brighter and healthier. Tai Chi, Yoga and Qi Gong, are several modalities for improving your self esteem, inner power and your connection to the cosmos and beyond. Are you living your life purpose? 

5.  Look for ways to lift the spirits of another person. It could be something small such as giving an extra dollar in the tip to the waitress or anyone that has provided a service to you and took the extra steps to make sure your experience was the best. A smile is free and produces massive dividends for people who are feeling down and disconnected. At the same time, you don’t have to save the world, so to speak. In other words, burning yourself out trying to please people does not honor you. Use your intuition. When you are needed, the Universe will provide the opportunity for you to help someone.

The world is changing in dramatic ways. Government policies are being questioned. Geo-engineering, monetary, and religious programs are being shaken up and peeled open to discover the hidden agendas that have been driving our economies, careers, consumerism, and our impact on Mother Earth. These are exciting times. You have been called to the planet, because you are helping to make this world better. For some, there is a brave fight to awaken everyone up to the new paradigm. Everyone is doing their part. Even just being happy and calm, you are contributing to the benevolent welfare and stewardship of our Mother Earth. Thank you, for being here now!

If you are having difficulty in staying positive, and angel reading or channeled Star Energy Healing can help you discover the areas of your life that you need to address, so that you can attain your greatest potential in your life purpose. It you are guided, please contact me. I want you to be happy and successful in your life!

Blessings and joy!

Barbara Becker


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