Road trip in Europe

Are you taking a vacation this summer? Are you thinking about a road trip instead of flying? In an article I wrote a couple of years ago for my blog, How To Fly With Your Angels, I included some ideas to help the next flight you take be smooth and joyful. This time our angelic helpers offer their suggestions to prepare and enjoy the journey in our vehicles.

1. Ask your angels to help you decide on your destination. Allow yourself to be guided to the maps and information you gather from the Internet and friends. Do your research, unless you intend to just go with the moment and see where life takes you.

2. Ask your car mechanic to change the oil, check the brakes and make sure your vehicle is “road worthy”. In other words, is it safe to drive and bring you back home? Knowing your car or camping vehicle is in right order puts your mind at ease and removes, or last least reduces the stress of wondering what could go wrong.

3. Before you start your journey, bless your vehicle. It holds consciousness. We have discovered in Quantum Healing Hypnosis sessions that people have had past lives as objects such as stereo speakers, tables, trees, and bubbles of air and light. Living authentically as a spiritual person means we honor all life and are consciously aware that all has purpose. All forms of life create lessons to learn and grow toward our own enlightenment.

4. Ask Archangel Michael to bless your vehicle so that every part is operating in perfect function and harmony. Archangel Michael is the angel of protection. He also helps mechanical devices operate properly.

5. Place white light around your vehicle for protection and red flashing lights so that others will “see” you on another level. Unfortunately, there are people driving under the influence of chemicals and alcohol. And there are also people who are tired from driving. The red flashing lights offer an extra message that you are traveling on the same road. These lights of protection are activated for 24 hours. Renew the command each morning.

6. As an added measure, if you are guided, consult a Feng Shui practitioner for cures to place in your vehicle or in your pocket. This is the year of the horse. A horse talisman may protect you from an auto collision.

7. Set your intention to have a wonderful drive and be open to the magical ways your angels will give you messages along the way.

8. If you do have car trouble on the road, ask your heavenly helpers to assist in the most benevolent and speedy manner. Then, with faith and trust, watch what happens next. I have had flat tires on numerous occasions, and for each time, an “angel” man showed up and helped change the tire. Allow your life to be magically blessed and it will be!

When you arrive back home from your trip, bless your vehicle and give gratitude to God for a safe drive. Thank your angels and guides for helping you to be safe and happy. Thank your vehicle for a wonderful journey. You can apply these tips in your everyday activities such as driving to work or to the grocery store. 

Blessings and love,

Barbara Becker

If you have physical, mental or emotional illness, or need to clear your chakras and energy fields to attain optimum health, a channeled healing can be given over the phone. 

Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique private sessions provide the opportunity for you to heal yourself, find out where you are from and your life purpose. Find out the missions you agreed to perform here on Earth and elsewhere. Receive guidance and a solid connection with your Higher Self. Find out more here:

An Angel Tarot Card reading can help you focus what direction your life purpose is taking you. The messages are uplifting and empowering. This can be done over the phone and it’s privately recorded on an mp3 download, so you can review it again. 

For more stories of my healing gift, please consider reading my book, Enclosure: A Spiritual Autobiography. If you are guided, please contact me.

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