2013: A Year Of Change, A Year Of Growth

As I look back, reflecting about my gratitude and the projects I accomplished this past year, I find myself in deeper appreciation for All That Is, and the support I received along the way. I’d like to share with you some of my challenges, changes, and...

Ego Messages: How To Tap Into The Lessons of The Ego

Are you having difficulty staying focused and centered? Are you reacting to recent world and local events, based in fear and worry? Are you feeling a sense that you are not in control and that your life is spinning out of balance?  If you said yes to any or all...
Stepping Into Our Expanded Spirituality

Stepping Into Our Expanded Spirituality

  Special Channeled Message for 12-21-12   Here we are. 2012. 12-12-12. The beginning of beginnings. Love abounds. Within and without. Inner and outer. As above, so below. Heaven on Earth. Our angels and Star Beings share the following message of glad...