Does Anybody Care About Apathy?

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, apathy is defined as a lack of interest or concern, a lack of feeling or emotion. On the level of consciousness scale, people who are apathetic, vibrate at 50, according to David R. Hawkins. The emotion is despair and the view...

Guilt and its purpose in our life

On the David R. Hawkin’s scale of consciousness vibration in his book, Power versus Force, guilt is at 30, just above shame. Guilt has purpose in our lives, as it serves to help us modify our behavior towards good or what is best for us. In this...

Shame & Humiliation In the Human Experience: Part II

On our journey in life, we are meant to experience shame and then to transcend it. Some of us make it in this lifetime and others carry it to their grave and then onto the next life. There is shame so toxic, such as the behaviors inflicted upon children in the form of...

Shame & Humiliation In The Human Experience: Part I

Back in the mid eighties, I cared for a 33 year-old man in the critical care unit where I worked in Phoenix, AZ. This dear man was a very successful jeweler in an affluent area of Los Angeles, and he was dying of end-stage liver disease caused by years of alcohol...