Protection from unwanted energy

Protection from unwanted energy

This topic comes up from time to time in client healing sessions. There are actions to take that will keep you in a state of calm and centeredness. Although, situations and circumstances vary, there are general remedies that can be applied, and they don’t cost a dime....
How to Drive With Your Angels:  Our Angelic Helpers Offer These Tips

How to Drive With Your Angels: Our Angelic Helpers Offer These Tips

Are you taking a vacation this summer? Are you thinking about a road trip instead of flying? In an article I wrote a couple of years ago for my blog, How To Fly With Your Angels, I included some ideas to help the next flight you take be smooth and joyful. This time...

A New You for the New Year!

As time is progressing much faster than ever before, we are seeing and experiencing the year time span go by very quickly. It seems to me we just celebrated the one-year anniversary of my newsletter, and now, the second anniversary is next month! The summer flew by...