QHHT® session for an angel

QHHT® session for an angel

I facilitated this Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique SM session for a 48 year-old married woman who lives in Arizona. Carol (not her real name) and her husband found Dolores Cannon. She read, The Three Waves of Volunteers and the New Earth, by Dolores, and felt...

QHHT® Travel Story: A Possible Past Life at the Battle of Hastings

While waiting for my carry-on luggage to arrive on the United Airline Express jetway, in the Denver, Colorado International airport, another passenger and I struck up a conversation about the work I do as a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique SM (QHHT®) practitioner. I...
QHHT® Session Stories: What is my Life Purpose?

QHHT® Session Stories: What is my Life Purpose?

The eternal question many of my clients ask their Higher Self is framed several ways: “Why am I on planet Earth?” “What is my purpose?” “What am I to do here?” “What did I come here to do?” These are several ways we ask the Higher Self, also known as the bigger part...
Why Wait? A Way to Lose Weight

Why Wait? A Way to Lose Weight

Being overweight continues to be a problem for some people in 2016. Years ago, I helped my husband lose 65 pounds by the method I share here. I’ve included a consideration for people to access their Higher Self through a Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique session, to...