Long Distance Healing Part IV: Through Books

Long Distance Healing Part IV: Through Books

We touched upon the long distance healing that can be transmitted through our phones, E-mail messages, and computer technology, in the previous three articles. In the last article of this series, we will look at long distance healing through the books we touch and...
Loving Others Unconditionally

Loving Others Unconditionally

We are told to love our neighbors, as we love ourselves. We all want to be loved. It’s our nature, because we are love. We come from Source, God, who is all loving. Once we start to care about what people think of us, we get concerned they don’t love...

Promises, Commitments & Discipline

Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.  ~ St. Francis of Assisi   How many times have you started a new diet and exercise program, only to fizzle out and lose the incentive to continue? You...
Life Changes: Part III

Life Changes: Part III

In this third and last article about life changes, I illustrate a career change that was not expected. I saw it as an opportunity for growth and to take my knowledge and skills to a different level than where I was at the time. In 1986, a dear friend gave me the...
Our Life Can Change On A Dime: Part II

Our Life Can Change On A Dime: Part II

In the first article I shared with you about one of my relationships changing dramatically and very quickly. After I left that relationship and walked out the door of a home we built together, in 1986, I was involved in a near fatal automobile accident. On my first...
How Our Reality Can Change In An Instant: Part I

How Our Reality Can Change In An Instant: Part I

How is your life? Are you happy and content? Could your life be better or different? What if you find yourself in circumstances that are not in alignment with your Soul Path or at least where you truly want to be? Can you change your life? The answer is an affirmative...